Glud documentation
Help to the GLU record fields
Version: 1.06 - 8th, June 1998

You find below the field description of the GLU dictionary set by record type.
Click on the name field for which you want a full explanation or select all manual.

Data type record
%DataTypeName Data type record identifier (and aliases)
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%Test Parameters (and options) for test sequence
%Doc.Technical URL for technical documentation
%Doc.User URL for user documentation
%DataType.Equiv Data type equivalence
%DataType.Conv Data type conversion
%DataType.Revconv Reverse data type conversion
%DataType.NConv Multiple data type conversion
%DataType.NRevconv Multiple reverse data type conversion
%DefaultAction Default action identifier
%ApplicationField Free field for application dependant fields

Action record
%ActionName Action record identifier (and aliases)
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%Url Action URL with templates ($n)
%Url.Method Recommanded HTTP method for immediate query
%DefaultAnchorText Default anchor text
%FullTextResult HTML anchor context
%ResultTest.Local Local program for result test
%ResultTest.Remote Remote URL for result test
%Param.Description Parameter description of action URL
%Param.DataType Parameter data type of action URL
%Param.Value Parameter default value of action URL
%Param.Range Range of parameter values
%Param.Optional List of optional parameters of the action URL
%Test Parameters (and options) for test sequence
%Test.Delay Proposition of delay between two tests
%Test.Result Last test result and date
%ResultDataType Result data type of action URL
%VerboseDescr Verbose description
%Institute Postal address of the origin institut/manager
%Email Mail address of the origin institut/manager
%Copyright Copyright mention
%KeyWords Key words qualifying the record
%Doc.Technical URL for technical documentation
%Doc.User URL for user documentation
%ApplicationField Free field for application dependant fields

Generic action record
%ActionName Action record identifier (and aliases)
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%SeeAction Identifier and availibility for indirection

Service or domain description record
%Glu.Description Service or domain description record identifier
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%VerboseDescr Verbose description
%Institute Postal address of the origin institut/manager
%Email Mail address of the origin institut/manager
%Copyright Copyright mention
%KeyWords Key words qualifying the record
%Doc.Technical URL for technical documentation
%Doc.User URL for user documentation
%ApplicationField Free field for application dependant fields

Host group record
%Glu.Group Group record identifier
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%Host.Allowed Access mask for allowed hosts
%Host.Denied Access mask for denied hosts
%Host Hostname

Services list record
%Glu.Service Service list record identifier
%Description Short description
%Owner Owner service
%VersionNumber Version number and date
%DistribDomain Distribution domain
%Host.Allowed Access mask for allowed hosts
%Host.Denied Access mask for denied hosts
%Host Hostname