Glud documentation
Help to the GLU record fields
Version: 1.06 - 8th, June 1998

     %ResultTest.Local (or %E.L) - Local program for result test

     %ResultTest.Local script_name|script_with_$n_variables

     Specify a local method to determine if an action
     will return some results or not, according to the parameter
     values in the GLU tag. With a "t" option (in the GLU tag)
     the action URL will be returned only if this method returns
     the string "TRUE".
     The %Local.ResultTest field can be a script or program name
     (with $n variables) to submit the GLU tag parameters. It can be also
     a  Bourne-shell script "in-line". In this case, it's own
     variables $... must be prefixed by an other $ (see example)
     The %Local.ResultTest field is never distributed by the glud
     (see %Remote.ResultTest field for a remote result test).

     %ResultTest.Local /usr/local/getabs bibcode=$1 existence
     %ResultTest.Local look '$1' /usr4/bibmgr/simbad/refobj.lis | awk '{ print $$0 \" TRUE\" }'