Aladin plugin

The Aladin plugins are java codes runnable by Aladin (more info...).

They were written by Aladin users, not by the Aladin team.
You can freely use them, However, these plugins are distributed as is without any guarantee.
Please contact directly the authors for bugs, remarks,...


.Author(s):Gregory Mantelet [CDS]
.Version: v2.0 - 15/06/2012 - Aladin v7.510
.Category: Image
.Executable: SEDPlugin.jar

SEDPlugin is an Aladin plugin which allows to generate interactively SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) from images loaded in Aladin.

Built spectrums can be exported in several formats (ASCII, XML, VOTable) or they can be sent to SAMP compatible application (i.e. VOSpec, Splat-VO, Topcat).